Statistics on Flexible Working You Need to Know

Statistics on Flexible Working You Need to Know

Teleworking seems to boost productivity (BT’s rose by 20% as it rolled our flexible working between 2001-2007). US based Telework Research Network calculates that corporate America could save $400 billion if everyone who could telework did so for half the week and...
Women In Tech Dublin 2019 – Watch Back

Women In Tech Dublin 2019 – Watch Back

Women in Tech Dublin was created to inspire, celebrate and connect women working in technology. Our CEO, Ciara Garvan was invited to speak.  Watch her talk “Will Flexibility Be the Key to the Evolution of...
Diverse Talent; Women Re Entry Workshop

Diverse Talent; Women Re Entry Workshop

There is always a moment at the start of our Re Entry workshops which I love. Each person turns to the person beside them, introduces themselves and talks about how they feel about their career at present. At that point the energy in the room just takes off. Yesterday...
InspireFest, 3 Years On

InspireFest, 3 Years On

Three years ago, I first went to InspireFest. My children were still toddlers then and it felt very extravagant to pay a babysitter so I could attend a two day event by myself for no discernible purpose. I knew literally no-one at it. Not a single person. Not even...
The Balance for Better Business Report

The Balance for Better Business Report

‘Women are the most underutilised economic asset in the world and the countries and business that recognise that are the ones that will do best in the world of tomorrow,’ Brid Horan & Gary Kennedy, Co-Chairs Balance for Better Business Review Group. The Balance...