Mentoring in

Business Training

Mentoring Workshop

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 ‘’Nobody makes it alone. Nobody has made it alone. And we are all mentors to people, even

when we don’t know it’’

Oprah Winfrey

This interactive workshop explores the strategic value of mentoring to an organisation, including the positive outcomes that can be achieved in areas such as diversity and inclusion.

It will provide individuals with a learning space to reflect on the dual benefits of mentoring to both the mentor and mentee.
The various kinds of mentoring models are examined to assist attendees in choosing the best approach for them and their organisation.

Our workshop highlights that mentoring relationships can be a key element of an employee’s developmental network.
This action-oriented session generates enthusiasm and encourages participants to take on the role of mentor or mentee.

Given the changing nature of workplace, this workshop illustrated that these mentoring relationships can be effective in a hybrid workplace.

                    At Workjuggle we tailor our workshops  to each customer. Blanaid O’Regan from Siro, a recent client, spoke in an Image magazine article about how we incorporated our  training into an employee resource group for women and  adjusted our content accordingly.


“ Our session was around mentoring and every woman around the table shared a piece of advice they’ve gotten during their career and the reaction was just amazing. There were about 30 of us from various backgrounds so there was a lot of diversity.
One of the things that came up in the workshop was that women prefer a more equal dynamic with mentoring, where both sides are contributing and learning. Some people won’t be your mentor forever, but they can be someone you go to for advice and who
comes to you as well.”

Read the full article in Image magazine here



Contact Aoife today to find out more about how we can build a training programme to suit your needs

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Dogpatch Labs,

CHQ Building, IFSC,

Dublin 2, Ireland.





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